Tears said the truth

I saw nothing but
I was not blind.
C imbued my heart
'N' expounded my mind.

Someone I don't know
Someone whom you all know
Brighter than hot
Bitter than wine,
Transpired through my eye
Was pure 'n' only mine.

I guessed I was dreaming
But I was wrong
When opened the eyes
I found C was gone.

What was that?
'N' what I missed?
Wid little fear
I felt as I was kissed.

From my eye to my cheek
It was calm, cool 'n' bloom
Sour but sweet
Though that was never maroon.

Then I guessed tear
'N' yes that was
I called that 'her'
'N' her love for all that cause.

then C said u r in love
What I maintained.
Yes tear said the truth
I was in love I was in fen.


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